Train, perform, transform!

From Digital Twin to Immersive Training, our seasoned expertise and hands-on experiences are shaping the grammar of tomorrow.

Discover the perfect balance between theory and practice in a safe environment with Immersive Training through UNIVRSITY, our new virtual learning environment. Teach without limits, support your learners' progress, and unlock your educational potential. A glimpse into Goupil Technology's Univrsity software: a futuristic-looking virtual learning space designed for immersive training. With LA VISITE, we also offer photogrammetry services, including classic & aerial photography, and 360° imaging for creating 3D and virtual content.
A glimpse of La Visite: Goupil Technology’s photogrammetry and immersive virtual tour service.

EdTech, Industry 4.0, Robotics, Training, Research,
With us, successfully achieve your transition to the future, starting today!

They already trust us:

Notre partenaire : MBDA Notre partenaire : Ensemble scolaire Saint Jacques de Compostelle Notre partenaire : Pôle Image Magelis

Notre partenaire : Eurekatech Notre partenaire : CNRS / Université de Poitiers Notre partenaire : SPN

Notre partenaire : La BoCAJ

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