Goupil Technology - Legals

Company Identification

Identification : Goupil Technology • France
Simplified joint stock company with a capital of 5000€
SIRET: 982 031 635 RCS in Angoulême
Intra-Community VAT: FR53982031635

Contact: Company HQ: 8 boulevard Liedot, 16000 ANGOULÊME, FRANCE
Email : contact@goupil.technology
Phone : 60 61 10 73 6(0) 33+


The host: This website is hosted by OVH SAS

Contact: OVH SAS, 2 rue Kellermann, 59100 ROUBAIX, France • +33 (0)9 72 10 10 07

Privacy Policy

Cookies: Goupil Technology uses cookies in the strict compliance of the recommandations and rules established by the CNIL. We are commited to ensuring your privacy by following these guidelines, ensuring a seamless and secure online experience.

Use: These cookies have the sole objective of measuring the audience of our site, optimizing its technical performance and analyzing the content consulted, all this anonymously and exclusively for our use. Under no circumstances do these cookies allow the cross-referencing of data with other processing operations, nor the transmission of your information to third parties.

Intellectual Property

Graphic design: Amaury 'Rhadamenthe' Hauler, exclusive content for Goupil Technology.

Illustration pictures:
Coding screen, photography by Mohammad Rahmani, available here on Unsplash.
White VR setup, photography by Mediamodifier, available here on Unsplash.
Black VR headset, photography by Christine Sandu, available here on Unsplash.
Blue eye, photography by Amanda Dalbjörn, available here on Unsplash.
Extra-atmospheric view of Earth, photography by NASA, available here on Unsplash.
Robotic fox generated using DALL-E, via the Bing generator with this prompt.

Industry, icon by M. Oki Orlando, available here on The Noun Project.
validate file, icon by Soapi, available here on The Noun Project.
vr, icon by Smalllike, available here on The Noun Project.
fun, icon by Reion, available here on The Noun Project.
open source, icon by Med MB, available here on The Noun Project.
company, icon by Andre Buand, available here on The Noun Project.
expertise, icon by loviana, available here on The Noun Project.
growth, icon by Alzam, available here on The Noun Project.
modules, icon by mikicon, available here on The Noun Project.
external audits, icon by maxicon, available here on The Noun Project.
Some of our social networks icons come from ICONS8.com.

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