Goupil - Our philosophy

Human in the heart of Goupil

Part of a face in black and white, with a blue iris full of color

With its teams, comprised of experienced specialists in technological innovation who know how to integrate emerging talents, Goupil has placed the human aspect at the center of its organization. Its goal is to provide a pleasant environment and healthy working conditions while staying well-rooted in the present time.

Diversity, communication, and ecological awareness are priorities ingrained in the minds of its founding members. It is this blend of cohesion, sharing, and trust that helps us thrive both personally and professionally, gathering around a common and meaningful objective.


A photo of the Earth view from space where we can see the light spots of the cities

Goupil Technology compensates for the modesty of its team with the magnitude of its professionalism and expertise. Acutely aware of the scope of our projects, we are driven by the ambition to make our mark on the practices of tomorrow.

As a pioneer in certain technologies, it is clear that Goupil will play its best cards in still largely unexplored domains. Striving to establish itself as a benchmark in many respects, the company will create new standards in terms of usage through its very current communication.

With strong values, our team believes in the possibility of a free internet. Therefore, we use and support various open-source solutions. More information awaits you on our dedicated Open Source page.


A cybernetic fox generated by DALL-E offering a modern vision of Goupil Technology's logo un a semi-futuristic frame

By taking a step aside to rework their approach every day, members of Goupil Technology give prominence to agility by emphasizing the importance of reflection and perspective. For us, sharing and coherence are the keystones of positive interpersonal collaboration.

Demonstrating cleverness and flexibility, we strive to adopt a responsible behavior expressed, among other things, through the moderation of our outputs, allowing increased accessibility to a wider audience.

Conscious from its inception of the challenges, Goupil aims to integrate social and environmental concerns into a Corporate Social Responsibility approach.

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